Sunday, September 03, 2006

Graceful Aging

Over the years, I've been watching church members, relatives, and neighbors age gracefully...or not. I'm amassing my list of successful strategies. I get old, please remind me...

1. to keep making new friends, especially friends who are younger than I am. Young friends make for a younger mind-set, an up-to-date set of technological skills (but please, may this IM phase pass), and people to come to my Memorial Service. Young friends...real friends...will tell me if my appearance has become eccentric or worse, and will lovingly warn me that I need to curtail my driving. And May I remember that the by the first time somebody works up the courage to bring up this subject, it will be time to stop driving.

2. to get rid of the things I don't need any ladders when I don't climb, my car when I don't drive, my sewing machine (and my stash of fabric!) when I can't see. Remind me please, to do these things as they come along, when I can choose to whom I will give them and spare the ones who will have to help me pack up my home at last.

3. to give up the idea, right now, that I will live independently in my own, too-big house all my life. To be ready to make the change to Assisted housing in time that I'll have the energy to make new friends and enjoy new activities there.

4. to stay in touch with my relatives.

5. and to take care of my body. It's got to last as long as I do.


Berrysmom said...

Hi Christine - To this excellent list, I would add "make an effort." I have noticed as I get older (turned 63 yesterday) that some things just seem like too darn much trouble. Not true. They are worth doing (e.g. make that phone call or write that note, go out to a movie or concert) and they will keep me involved with life outside of my own head and bod.

My mentor for this is Til Evans, long retired from the Starr King faculty, who is one of the most alive and engaged people I know, and is well into her 80's by now.

Thanks for the provocative post. You're on my list now...

Anonymous said...

I happened upon this blog by chance and would like to add my two cents worth.

Live every day as though it's your last and plan as though you're going to live forever.

This has been my mantra during the year I have been in so-far-successful treatment for brain cancer.

Nancy Paradis
St. Petersburg, Florida

Anonymous said...

I happened upon this blog by chance and would like to add my two cents worth.

Live every day as though it's your last and plan as though you're going to live forever.

This has been my mantra during the year I have been in so-far-successful treatment for brain cancer.

Nancy Paradis
St. Petersburg, Florida

Anonymous said...

I happened upon this blog by chance and would like to add my two cents worth.

Live every day as though it's your last and plan as though you're going to live forever.

This has been my mantra during the year I have been in so-far-successful treatment for brain cancer.

Nancy Paradis
St. Petersburg, Florida