Friday, January 04, 2008


Doesn't get it.

Her husband's behavior in the White House was not her fault, and I honor her for apparently forgiving him for it and continuing with the marriage, but in making him such a prominent part of her campaign she's forgotten something that nobody else has, which is what a miserable episode that was and how it laid an important part of the goundwork for the even more miserable time we're having now.

Maybe, in order to forgive Bill she had to tell herself it was all no big deal, but it was a big deal. So while I admire Hillary the wife, Hillary the politician has made a terrible mistake.


Lizard Eater said...

It has kind of reminded me of the old experience of having a friend cry on your shoulder about her horrible cheating boyfriend ... then gets mad at you when they're lovey-dovey again and you don't embrace him with open arms.

Bill Baar said...

...which is what a miserable episode that was and how it laid an important part of the goundwork for the even more miserable time we're having now.

Did you favor his impeachment?

I didn't. I wrote my Rep Hastert recommending not.

I think History will find Clinton a failed President, and possibly the last Democrat one, but the failures will be bigger than Lewinski scandal.

HRC is the most electable Democrat.

Obama's mentor Tony Rezko goes to trial now. It will last for months and probably take down our Governer. It will involve scams to shake down the Iraqi people through Rezko's friend Ahim Alsammara, Iraq's minister of electricity. A fellow sprung from jail in the Green Zone with Blackwater's help (a Blackwater now with a campus in Illinois)....

HRC is going to look pretty good in a few months after Fitzgerald puts the squeeze on Rezko and the rest of the world starts reading Chicago news papers.

Chalicechick said...

My response turned into a Chaliceblog post.


Robin Edgar said...

"I think History will find Clinton a failed President, and possibly the last Democrat one,"


So Bill are you expecting the Apocalypse to occur any day now or what? ;-)

Kelsey Atherton said...

Hillary analysis, free of charge and released under the creative commons, in a few days, and visible on my blog when I'm not currently working on it.

I think she has way more flaws than incorporating Bill into her campaign, but that's more or less a non-issue from my perspective. Still, a diversity of opinions is what makes this world great.

Bill Baar said...

So Bill are you expecting the Apocalypse to occur any day now or what? ;-)

Look at the Democratic Presidents since FDR: Truman, JFK, LBJ, Carter, and Clinton.

Truman was the last successful one and it took a long time before anyone would say so.

JFK cut short to really judge.

LBJ a great one in my book but Vietnam took its toll (that'll get revised in time too).

Carter...well... Iran, hostages, stagflation...

...and then we have Clinton who at least managed two terms.

If Democrats don't elect a Prez in 2008 they're no longer a National Presidential party. They're a regional party.

My forecast is severy remorse over Obama by late spring and a move to draft Gore and make Obama VP. The growing political scandal in Illinois with Rezko, Police Brutality which the city has finally settled but goes back 20 years, and finally I suspect Rezko's Iraq reconstrution deals.

Couple that with Obama's habit of triangulating himself into absurd statements (the funny in Illinois today was his comment on bringing Illinois universal health care which we don't have, and Obama has sat out the whole state wide fight we've just had over it with absolute silence... Romney did far more in Mass than Obama ever did here)..

Anyways, it will be Gore-Obama losing against McClain-Huckabee. Another four years of the GOP fashioned after Teddy Roosevelt in McClain.

Democrats will follow the path of the anti-Mexican-war whigs...looking for a new party and it's Lincoln.

so note it all Robin.

Bill Baar said...

Obama's over reach on health care in Illinois for those of you not regular readers of our papers.

Our Gov made a big pitch for universal health care program funded by a sales tax on just about everything. It caused a huge uproar with Obama staying silent over the whole thing.

Robin Edgar said...

I have noted it all Bill and I guess that we will see just how much, if any, of your prophecy here actually comes true soon enough. . . I stand by my suggestion that the Democratic Party will still be around years from now unless Jesus comes back first. ;-)